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Acoustic Hybrid Piano

ACOUHYB is a project that has just been launched into the world and that comes to revolutionize the music scene.  

Despite its recent training, it already has hundreds of people attracted by this new timbre and its great possibilities. 

Why should you care?

It is the FIRST ACOUSTIC PIANO to include two-level tuning. 

It has TWO different acoustic CHIMES that the pianist can alternate.

The patent  has been registered in the operation of the left pedal.


Piano Lesson

Several professionals in the music industry, has been attracted by ACOUHYB, in the classical and contemporary panorama.


And it has opened unknown fields in the world  composition and improvisation. 

Haz click en el botón de abajo para conocer en más detalle nuestro piano ACOUHYB -4 ENSCHU, la técnica de afinación ACOUHYB y escuchar los distintos timbres. 

How does ACOUHYB sound?

The "Crazy Piano Timbre" has a unique sound, which captivates the audience that listens to it.  

With this new mechanism (invented by piano restorer and tuner Sergey Gogolev)  we can maintain the identity of the piano sound in almost all its magnitude, but also, we can access two different sound identities. 


Timbre possibilities as a compositional element

Interpretive possibilities as a resource in the stylization of works from previous periods.

ACOUHYB as an acoustic experimentation project.

Popular music and challenge in relation to electronic music.

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