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About us

"Musical Innovators" is an international cultural association that works and acts on the musical field.

Our main objective is to connect people, enabling new forms of expression and communication.

Our history

Our association was born in 2019 in the city of Barcelona (Spain), from the union between professionals in the music sector.


The reason for its founding was to research, collaborate and support new ways of making music. Achieving with it, create

original projects and generate a positive impact on society.


After the good reception of the ideas that arose from here, the activities of the

association increased until reaching

fields as broad as composition,

tuning and the organization of events.


The activities of our association include
a large number of courses of action.

On one hand, we work on the creation of original projects, such as: ACOUHYB, Crazy Piano Club and Memories.

On the other, we work in collaboration with
independent entities and artists, both
national and international.


Our team has great professionals from different sectors: composition, acoustics, instrument repair and tuning, visual art, design and marketing.

All this openness to new fields, aesthetic and philosophical ideas about the possibilities of sound, leads us to work with an infinity of styles, such as classical, jazz, contemporary music or folklore.



Betting on new ideas and projects and experimenting with sound possibilities.



Bringing different repertoires and concert formats to a varied audience.  Promoting music education.


Original projects of the association, independently or in conjunction with other professionals.


Create content, spread our projects through social networks. Promote digital formats.

Dancing Women


Take advantage of the ability of music to transform society. Betting on social programs that include a gender perspective and a commitment to the environment.



Creating projects that connect different sectors of society 

(children, adults and the elderly).

 Giving rise to an exchange of experiences between the participants, with  inclusive visions. 

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